Sunday, July 10, 2011

Rap Atticts Review- Levi The Jedi-Before The Future EP

After the release of a pretty buzz-worthy mixtape 13 months ago, Atlanta's own Levi The Jedi returns once again with a brand new EP, aptly titled, "Before The Future." This 10 song project tells of the several days in the thought process of a starving artist and regular person. The opener, In Amazement, sets the overall tone of BTF. Ill rhymes, soulful production, and the general subject matter that you'd find from a Levi song. Smooth Sailing follows, and it continues the vibe that the opener started. As you listen to Space Fusion & Look Up (Non-Believers), you begin to realize that Levi's lyricism and diversity in flow has upgraded from last years' "Street Lights." With lines like "Higher level thinking, my ship is never sinking, and I'm still Ben Franklin to you Lincolns." the rhymes gel very well with the production. It's  also very apparent that the production has become more cinematic and epic. This could partially be due to the inclusion of outside producers Kahzee and Dijon Styles on some on the beats. Their production is nothing less than dope. Now to the first slip up: Mestizo Eyes. The song disappoints, and it's not because it's bad or doesn't deliver like the rest, but it's just too short. The song has a great build up in it, and when it starts fading out towards the end it falls flat just a little bit. It's just an opinion, but I think it could've closed out with a third verse. Next up is the Gary Samurai assisted nerd anthem, What I Do. The long intro can make the song lag at times, but it picks up when the rhymes begin. In the only feature of the EP, Samurai edges past Levi by just a small margin. I'll admit that while Levi doesn't make the best songs in the world for the ladies, Night & Day is nice and smooth song to just vibe to with that significant other. Plus, IT SAMPLES AL. B SURE! Huge cool point. It Don't Stop  is one of the few songs that gets a little personal. With topics of college, isolation, and fickle friends and supporters, it's a song that shines. Things get a little bit more personal with Lazy Afternoon, as the tone of the EP changes effortlessly. Interesting tales of the lack of a social life and the plotting of dreams are prevalent in the shortest song in the EP. The closing song, Sunset Guitars II, reaffirms to you that Levi has a long way to go, and he won't stop until he makes it to what he believes is his destiny. Even though it's a good closer, I don't think it tops the original Sunset Guitars.

The Real Deal: There are many things that can be said about BTF. It's arrogant at times, it's lyrical, it's flashy, and it's personal in increments. The best thing that can be said about it is it's fluid and cohesive. All of the songs flow into eachother very well. Now, is it a solid EP? Yes.Is it an improvement over Street Lights? Yes. Is it a better project that many people in his current position. Yes. Is it classic? No, or at least not now. Unfortunately, EPs are often lost in an artist's catalog over their LPs, but shit I could be wrong this time. Don't get me wrong however, this project is very worthy of being up there with many of its competition and its peers, and should definitely take him on a road to bigger and better things. Now if only an LP can be just as strong

-Raul A.

Rating: This one was kinda tough. 4/5
 Levi The Jedi-Before The Future Free Download

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