Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Word Around The Way: DMX To Stay In Jail/Will He Ever Get It Together?

And so it occurs again. The dog of Yonkers, DMX, has been arrested once again for drug possession, as well as failing a drug test, while serving out a previous sentence in prison. It gets even worse because X was supposed to be released tomorrow. These charges guarantee that he'll be locked up for at least another week, maybe even longer. In all seriousness, is it even that much of a surprise anymore? Can DMX even stay out of jail for longer than a week these days? It's just sad that an artist that was literally on top of rap years ago has drastically gone from prominence to obscurity.

When the former Ruff Riders signee jumped on the scene in 97-98, he changed the game. While everybody was trying to be like Puffy and Mase with the shiny suits and flashy ass baller rap, X was hardcore and gangsta. So much of him was so innovative and fresh. NOBODY was spittin the way that DMX was during that time, and the ones that tried (Ja Rule) weren't nearly as respected. Everything from his gruff flow, to the unapologetic harshness in his lyrics was just so g! It wasn't just the quality and critical acclaim of the music though, he was actually selling records. 5 of his 6 albums shot up to #1 in the first week. No rapper has done that. That within itself shows how much people loved the guy.

Back in the days, DMX's name was associated with all of the things that I mentioned. Nowadays, his name is only mentioned with drugs, jail, and insanity. It's very unfortunate that someone with so much of everything, from a successful music career, successful movies, and profitable endorsements, let all of it slip out of his hands. Despite all of this, it still doesn't throw the possibility of a comeback out just yet. I still think that DMX still has it, and I'm sure I'm not the only person with that belief. Yeah he hasn't made a new record since about 07, but if he could clean his shit up, he could be the prominent top dog that he once was. Maybe I'm just pipe dreaming, but could you imagine him working with some of these new guys out now? That would be epic!

All in all, I seriously hope that the Darkman X can get his shit together and continue what he started 13 years ago. It would be a shame for him to not be remembered in a positive light. Lets hope that this next stint in jail will be the last one.

- Raul A.

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