Sunday, August 28, 2011

Mixtape Madness: Lil B- I Forgive

I swear that Lil B is pulling a straight okey doke on everybody. All that dumb and off rhyming is just a ploy to pull you into his shit. He's proved it so many times with his recent music. Look at "Illusions of Grandeur" tape and his "I'm Gay" album. You can't deny that both of them proved to be some pretty solid material. I guess that preachy ass opening was leading in to the fact that Based God has just dropped a new tape called "I Forgive You". This tape is a good mixture of his random, dumb rhymes and thought out more lyrical projects. If you're not a fan of Lil B, you won't like it. If you are, here's your Based God fix. It's good to see him stay busy, seeing as "I'm Gay" dropped a month or two ago.

Lil B- I Forgive You Free Download

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